
Thank you for your interest in joining AFDOSS!  All memberships are individually-based and run on a calendar year from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31. We are an active association responsive to the needs of its membership and we welcome any and all interested food protection professionals.

What are the benefits?

Joining AFDOSS isn’t just joining another association — you become part of a family of food protection professionals! AFDOSS prides itself on its excellent networking, engaged participation of members, and impressive spheres of influence. Our active members and committee groups derive a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction as they contribute to an integrated food safety system and to the success of their professional association. As a member of AFDOSS, you can influence and voice your opinion on national policy decisions! We encourage you to learn more about the national Association of Food & Drug Officials (AFDO), and become an active member of both organizations. Also learn more about the AFDO & AFDOSS Committees and see where your interests and talents can lend themselves to advancing the charges of these dedicated work-groups.

Additionally, members enjoy the benefits of an Annual Educational Seminar. The three-day event includes exhibitors, universities, consumers, industry, and regulatory representatives to learn and discuss relevant developments, materials, techniques, topics and issues spanning food, drugs & devices, environmental health, consumer affairs and laboratory areas. Additionally, AFDOSS partners with other associations and organizations to provide members with training opportunities throughout the year, and Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are issued for many sessions.

Join Us!

AFDOSS is an active association responsive to the needs of its membership! Also consider joining our parent organization, AFDO, to become active in national food and drug matters.

Join or Renew Now!

Regular Memberships – $20.00 Annual Dues

Regulatory & Academia: Available to heads of the departments and persons under their supervision and direction, employed by agencies charged with enforcement of food, drug, cosmetic, therapeutic devices or consumer safety laws, including academia members having regulatory responsibilities and /or those employed by a college or university involved in education or research involving foods, drugs, cosmetics, therapeutic devices or consumer product safety. Regular Members shall be entitled to the full rights and privileges of the Association, including the right to hold office, be a member of committees, and vote on issues that come before the Association.

Associate Memberships – $75.00 Annual Dues

Industry & Trade: Individuals eligible to hold associate membership shall be those persons affiliated with industry, organizations, or professions maintaining an interest in the objectives of the Association. Associate Members may serve as a chair/co-chair or adviser to committees, but shall not be entitled to hold office on the Board, or to vote on issues that come before the Association.

Alumni Memberships – $10.00 Annual Dues

Retirees: Available to persons who, prior to retirement, qualified as Regular or Associate members. Alumni members may serve as a chair/co-chair or adviser to committees, but shall not be entitled to hold office on the Board, or to vote on issues that come before the Association.

Life Memberships

Honorary VIP’s: AFDOSS members selected by the AFDOSS Board in recognition of their substantial contribution to the achievements of the objectives of the organization. Life members shall have all the rights and privileges of a Regular member unless they become associated with a regulated industry, causing their rights and privileges to be limited to those of an Associate member.

Join or Renew Now!